Monday, December 17, 2007


Booooooooooh! We hate you Fox! You are stupid! What kind of name is, "Fox & Friends?" You have no "Friends," "Fox & Friends!" NBC has "Friends." It was a very good show I watched until its untimely end in 2004! Now i'm sad! Look what you did "Fox & Friends!" This is almost as sad as I get when I think about John Lennon and George Harrisons deaths! Awhhhhhhh! You did it again "F&F(Thats a catchy abbreviation I just thought of!)!" Me and all of my blog readers are boycotting you( Is boycott a verb or a noun(Why do I worry so much about grammar when I clearly should have just said,"All my blog readers and I,"))! Everyone knows that "Hannity & Colmes" is not a title! Its some reporters names! There not even good names! The only real sorce of news is Geraldo Rivera's mustache! And know...a series of photos highlighting the MUSTACHE!

The Helmet exsentuates the 'stache

He's so laid back he can loosen his tie!

Simpler times... when the hair on top of the head was longer than the moustacheoud lip

Manouver that boat Geraldo!

Does your 'stache still hurt? From when you fell down from heaven?

Fine! So I tried to sneak in a picture of moustache perfection! How 'bout some 'stache a la Reynolds?

Geraldo owns Fox! And if any of you little babys try and take it! His moustache buddies Chuck Norris and Burt Reynolds will kick your @$$! my poorly photoshopped friend Chuck "Walker, Texas Ranger" Norris!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Boston Tea Party Day!

Happy 204 anniversary of the Boston Tea Party! On this day in 1773 some Bostontonians threw some tea into a bay. So what! Why do we study this in history? In a way it was a victory for the British! American fish had tea time! We lost! This was terrible! And only the British would be angered by this. Whoopdedoo! "(In British accent)Oh noooo! Our tea! Our gross old tea! What will we drink with our fish and chips!" Well I dont care!
The guy on the far left is dropping the tea in one bag @ a time!

The Stanley FUBAR!

So this morning I wake up and turn on SportsCenter, and what commercial is on but one for Stanley tools. The commercial shows a crane suspending a shed in the air and a blindfolded construction worker surrounded by other workers. The worker is handed a tool and proceeds to swing it wildly in what can only be described as an insurance companys worst nightmare. He then takes off the blindfold and tears apart the shed. Then the words Stanley FuBar pop up on the screen. I laughed so hard, I started choking. For those of you who dont know what FUBAR means, it is a term that was used by soldiers in WWII to describe a mission that was F***ed up beyond all repair/recognition. Now your laughing so hard that your choking.